Intro to SoulCollage®
Intro to SoulCollage®
Sunday, May 28th, 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM ET
In studio & online
$50 per person
Intro to SoulCollage® is an excellent way to experiment with the art of collage. This workshop is a deeply personalized creative experience structured around the SoulCollage® method which engages our intuition, dream images, archetypes and internal cast of characters. This workshop is open to all and can be a useful tool for those working in the healing and helping professions. This SoulCollage® intro can be used towards the pre-requisites for taking the official SoulCollage® facilitator training.
“Stir together the ingredients of your imagination and intuition with a few powerful, cut-out images, and you can create your first SoulCollage® card. After that you will probably want to make a second, a third, and, over time, many more. Gradually you can create your deck of very personal cards….they will help you explore your Soul, your shadow, and your inborn gifts.” —Seena Frost